I have been reading this newsgroup a while
and have recently started posting with a
link to a small web browser of 1.1 Mb. This
is a group that has people who don't tolerate
much bull and have much to teach. I am in the
process of making a Video-CD of family photo
albums. I had to buy Adobe photoshop 2.0
because the two freeware VCD-DVD player
versions I have seen in here had too many problems on my
computer. I rarely pay for software. I had photos
that were too large and I needed to resize them to
work on the Adobe program. I did a fast Google
for freeware and used the second I found. It is
an excellent program and was easy to learn. I
knew a lot of it, but was functionally using it in
ten minutes and it worked perfectly. You might
want to include this program on your free-be disk.
The interface is excellent and it did everything it
claimed. Thanks for a very knowledgeable
and have recently started posting with a
link to a small web browser of 1.1 Mb. This
is a group that has people who don't tolerate
much bull and have much to teach. I am in the
process of making a Video-CD of family photo
albums. I had to buy Adobe photoshop 2.0
because the two freeware VCD-DVD player
versions I have seen in here had too many problems on my
computer. I rarely pay for software. I had photos
that were too large and I needed to resize them to
work on the Adobe program. I did a fast Google
for freeware and used the second I found. It is
an excellent program and was easy to learn. I
knew a lot of it, but was functionally using it in
ten minutes and it worked perfectly. You might
want to include this program on your free-be disk.
The interface is excellent and it did everything it
claimed. Thanks for a very knowledgeable