Photo in Access



I have access database with member information for my cheerleading club.
I want to write member cards (size of a credit card) with a photo of the
The size of the photo are about half size of the member card.

My problem is how to get the correct size of the picture when I write the
member cards from Access?

I have tried to do an example of what I try to do at

Anyone who can help me?


Rather than storing the images in the database a more efficient approach is
to store the paths to the image files and load the image into an Image
control on a form (single form view, not continuous) or report at runtime by
setting its Picture property to the path. To show the picture at the size
you want its simply a question of making sure the Image control's SizeMode
property is set to Zoom, and then sizing the control to the relevant size in
design view. To print your cards I'd suggest using the label report wizard
to start with, and then amending the design.

I'm mailing you a simple example. Take a look at the form's and report's
modules to see how the images are loaded.

If you use JPEGs and want to suppress the progress meter which pops up
momentarily when each image is loaded take a look at the following link:

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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