Photo in access reports



I have a access databas with a register of member in a club.
I want to create member cards (credis card size) wit a photo of the member.

My problem is how to get the correct size of the picture at the member card?

I have an db example at

Any one who know how to change the size of the picture in the report


I have a similar club situation. I've found I had convert the image formate
to .BMP file in a photo editing program; as far as the size goes, I believe I
used "maintain ratio" option and changed the horizontal size to 97 pics. You
might have to expariment to find the right size for your project. Good Luck!


I have a similar club project. What I have found is #1) if your image file
is not already a bmp convert it to a bmp. 2) While maintaining aspect ratio
resize your image (I used 97 pics horizontally), save to another file. You
may have to experiment with the size to get you want. 3) In your DB create a
field for your image, right click on the box where you want the image select
“insert objectâ€, “create from fileâ€, “browseâ€, select your file, and select
the image you want. GOOD LUCK!

Larry Linson

I have a access databas with a register of member
in a club. I want to create member cards (credis
card size) wit a photo of the member.

My problem is how to get the correct size of the
picture at the member card?

You will be printing the card(s) using a Report. The Control (Image, or
Bound Object Frame) in which you display the picture can be resized just
like any other Control. In the SizeMode property specify Zoom to have the
picture automatically resized to fit the Control but maintain the aspect
ratio of height-to-width.
I have an db example at

Just a comment: many people, including me, are very, very cautious about
downloading and executing databases.
Any one who know how to change the size of
the picture in the report

As someone suggested, you may get much higher quality pictures on your cards
if you use capable image processing software to resize the image to the
proper size in pixels. Image processing software often does a better job at
resizing than automatic resizing.

And here's information about a sample database dealing with images in

The sample imaging databases at illustrate three
approaches to handling images in Access, and the download includes an
article discussing considerations in choosing an approach. Two of the
approaches do not use OLE Objects and, thus, avoid the database bloat, and
some other problems, associated with images in OLE Objects.

If you are printing the images in reports, to avoid memory leakage, you
should also see MVP Stephen Lebans' is an Access97 MDB containing a report that fails during
the Access formatting process prior to being spooled to the Printer Driver.
This MDB also contains code showing how to convert the contents of the Image
control to a Bitmap file prior to printing. This helps alleviate the "Out of
Memory" error that can popup when printing image intensive reports.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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