Photo import

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I am brand new to Movie maker. I have imported some of my photos from my
digital camera into movie maker, but they are very distorted. Can someone
tell my why this might be?
Hello there,

Viewing is via Preview mode in only get the full quality after you
create your finished movie via the FILE > SAVE MOVIE FILE option. Obviously,
your images need to be at least as large as the format you eventualy intend to fact its a good idea for a number of reasons if the image you
import to MM is exactly the size of your target file.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
John is their a manual for using movie maker. Mabey one on the internet that
is in a PDF format?
Hello there,

Not really no, there is the Help File which you can print to paper...its
overlooked by most and to be honest a large number of posts in here are
answered in the help file...having said that I hardly ever read them :)

There are some helpful topics on my the FAQ section. Mostly it is
limited to those areas that users have the most problems with...images with
black borders is one of the regular questions...solution...make image the same
size as target format by cropping to required ratio 4:3 or 16:9 and then reduce
the height & width by re sampling...MM does not do a very good job and the
power toy for re-sizing is not too bright knows nothing about

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Just glad I don't live in Croydon, UK
(o o)
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work