Photo gallery not showing up

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I made two new photo galleries yesterday, and one works fine, but the other
does not. I've tried re-creating it (from scratch) three times now, even
tried copying what I see in the "design" mode page onto a new, blank
document, tried saving it in a folder as opposed to what I normally do, and
nothing works. I see it all correctly in the "design" mode, but when I click
"preview", it gives an error message that says: There is no page with URL
'photogallery/photo00001999/real_x.htm' in this web. HELP!!?? You can go
to and go to "gallery". They all work EXCEPT the
one that says "ICM Convention". This is the one I'm having trouble with.
Any help?? Becky
The image link and the text link for ICM convention each point to a
different location.
Neither of which is correct.

Create a new folder named icm.
Copy and paste all of the images for this gallery into the icm folder.
Create a new blank page in the icm folder and save it as index.htm

Open the new index.htm and then create the new photo gallery in the new
index.htm file
From the Gallery page, link to this new index.htm in the icm folder.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thanks, Steve. I'm aware of that. Those were two different attempts to get
it to show up correctly, none of which worked. I'm recreating the whole page,
from scratch, ONE MORE time, after reading Eleanor's tutorial (which is not
the way I created the other galleries, which all work fine, but I'm desperate
for something that works.). If I follow it to the letter and it still
doesn't work, I'll throw the computer out the window, I suppose! Ha-ha! You
know the feeling. I'll let you all know how it goes! Thanks so much. Becky
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Steve Easton said:
The image link and the text link for ICM convention each point to a
different location.
Neither of which is correct.

Create a new folder named icm.
Copy and paste all of the images for this gallery into the icm folder.
Create a new blank page in the icm folder and save it as index.htm

Open the new index.htm and then create the new photo gallery in the new
index.htm file
From the Gallery page, link to this new index.htm in the icm folder.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Steve, I failed to read your entire reply before I replied! Sorry! I will
try your prescription. One question, before I start, though, my homepage is
index.htm . Won't that be a conflict??
For Award-winning original music from an accomplished songwriter, including
the new Adoption Song "Child of My Heart", go to

Steve Easton said:
The image link and the text link for ICM convention each point to a
different location.
Neither of which is correct.

Create a new folder named icm.
Copy and paste all of the images for this gallery into the icm folder.
Create a new blank page in the icm folder and save it as index.htm

Open the new index.htm and then create the new photo gallery in the new
index.htm file
From the Gallery page, link to this new index.htm in the icm folder.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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No it won't conflict.
Each folder in a website can have a page named index htm.

That way you can just link to the folder and the index page will
automatically open.
Example, if a folder named mypics has an index htm page, a link to
should work exactly the same as a link to

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Steve, I am SO grateful for your help. When you say "copy and paste all of
the photos for this gallery into the icm folder" , does that mean I'll have
to completely start over (with all the text descriptions I had already
written -- 3 times now) in the new photo gallery? For example, when I'm in
the design mode, I can see the whole gallery correctly. It just disappears
and gives me the error message when I go to preview mode. So will copying
and pasting from the design mode and into the new folder be a no-no??
Forgive my ignorance in these matters! I am truly grateful to you.
To be safe I would start from scratch.
Copying and pasting will most likely transfer the problem from the old gallery to the new

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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