Photo Gallery Issue


Keith Holt

I recently worked on a site where the user just dumped all the photos at the
root. She has hundreds of photo galleries and all the photos were sitting
at the root of the site. Using FrontPage I moved the pictures into
subfolders organized by month. Now when she goes in to edit a gallery some
of them come up fine and other say "You have 0 files in this gallery." If
you try to add anything new the old files and text disappear. How do I get
this to display all the files that is should and to work correctly?



If - you moved them with the Web opened in FP, it should have managed/corrected the links to them. If you moved them with Windows Explorer...not good.

If - they were in folders named randomly like; photogallery01234...not good either, you'll have to rebuild the galleries in FP.

But first...try Tools | Recalculate Hyperlinks and RePublish.

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