inez said:
Using Windows XP, I.E. and OE. I frequently receive email
photos, which show up one photo after another photo in
sort of a column, on Outlook Express, without having to
open individual attachments.
But when I try to forward this email with the photos one
after the other, all the photos are made into
attachments. To me, this loses a lot of the impression
and impact. I have tried different approaches but nothing
works. Any suggestions?
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Outlook Express will allow you to view attachments
as you described. The images will appear as
attachments on your new message window but they
will still be viewed the same as yours if your recipients
are running Outlook Express.
If your recipients are not running Outlook Express
they may only receive the images as attachments.
Forward one of the messages to yourself and see
if you can still view the images in the body of the
There is an option that will allow you to add images,
backgrounds and even midi files to your e-mail
messages but unless your recipients have Outlook
Express they probably cannot view the messages. a new message window and go to...
Format / Rich Text (HTML)...
A toolbar will appear on your message window that
allows you to select fonts and colors and a picture
button that allows you to insert a picture.
You can also go to...Format / Background...
Picture / Color / Sound...
Another way to open a Rich Text message is to
open Outlook Express and go to...
Message / New Message Using...
Choose a stationary style and the new message
will open with the stationary included.
John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled
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