photo blog

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SnapLog is a Windows XP/2000/98 application that provides an easy
interface to share photos on your website. A Photo Blog with one click
publishing. Bam!


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SnapLog is a Windows XP/2000/98 application that provides an easy
interface to share photos on your website. A Photo Blog with one click
publishing. Bam!

Needs MSXML3. The Microsoft download link is dead and a search results
in service packs, development kits, parsers etc.

Does anyone here know which MS file is required (and/or a download
URL) for the above program please ?

Regards, John.
Newsreader: Forte Agent 2.0/32.652
Needs MSXML3. The Microsoft download link is dead and a search results
in service packs, development kits, parsers etc.

Does anyone here know which MS file is required (and/or a download
URL) for the above program please ?

Regards, John.

Same URL as the above, but shorter :-)

The file to download are at the bottom of the page

Use msxml3xxx.msi to install MSXML on your computer.
You can also save it on your local disk to install later.
xxx stands for three letter acronym for the language.


Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
You know my motto:
Forgive and uh... the other thing.