Photo attributes - can I add keywords


Emma Parker


I would like to organise our organisation photograph
library electronically. What I'd like to do is have a
piece of software that allows me to attribute keywords to
each image that then searches the entire library and shows
thumbnails as results.

The company are too tight to buy anything and have
suggested that I use Windows XP when it is 'rolled-out' in

I've been informed by our IT support that "Windows XP has
similar functionality built in and can do virtually the
same job using Windows Explorer. Users can view folders
containing images as both small and large thumbnails and a
filmstrip option also exists they can also add attributes
such as keywords to the images."

Is it true that attributes can be added using XP? - please
help. I don't want to wait until September and then find
they were wrong.

If they are wrong then can you suggest another piece of
(cheap) software that does the same job?

Frank Martin

I am using MS Digital Image Pro 9.0 which makes adding keywords much
easier - even for TIFF files.

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