Phone Log, Buttons from "Account" screens..

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I was planning on using the phone log in BCM. So I clicked on Accounts under
the BCM Tools menu. Then I doulble clicked on the Account. I clicked
"ADD"... and nothing happened. Thats' when I noticed that none of the "add"
buttons work on that box.. AND that "phone Log" is not in my list of "new"
selections from the standard toolbar either. Did I unselect it somewhere?
Was I supposed to install it under the Manage forms box?

I also run BCM Mobile....
I update weekly. This week... when I ran Office Update... there was one
update available for Outlook. I installed update and this issue is resolved.

More on this issue... It is NOT resolved...

IF the iPAQ is plugged into the cradle... the symptoms as described before
Try this..... with your mobile device plugged in.
Run Outllook/Business Tools Menu/Accounts/New ... do you have "phone log" in
that drop down menu?
If not...
uncradle mobile device. Exit Outlook... start Outlook again. ( I receive an
error at this point because Outlook is still running... TaskManager/Stop
Outlook.exe) Run Outlook again.
Run Outlook/Business Tools Menu/Accounts/New - phone log/add buttons
magically reappear and work.
ReCradle Mobile Device. Phone Log/Add Buttons still work.
Exit Outlook - Restart Outlook - Phone Log/Add Buttons are not there.. and
contacts under "Accounts" and "History" is also blank.

This may seem like alot of activity/steps etc.. but this is how I work.
My computer is on 100% of the time...I never turn it off. I cradle/recradle
myphone constantly. It is my business phone number... so I take client calls
on it. I'd like to be able to take advantage of the 'phone log' feature... to
track time...and bill via SBA?
anybody else doing this?