Phew !! It Nearly Got Me


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
My "adopted" daughter rang to tell me not to open any emails from her. She has been hit by a virus that then replicates itself through her email Contacts List. :(

Sure enough there it was in the Inbox. I simply deleted it without opening it.

Is that likely to be the end of it? It can't get onto my system can it? without being opened. Certainly nothing has come up on Kaspersky so I feel reassured but it would be nice to hear some favourable comments from some of you guys. :)
Don't worry, if you don't open the e-mail attachments then you shouldn't need to worry. There would need to be a huge exploit around if you could get infected without opening an e-mail (and it would cause havoc). :)