Pharhelia--- Will it rock?

May 18, 2002
Reaction score
Do you think this baby will take over Nvidia?, Personally I Think it might grab #2 spot. Watch out ATI.
I think it *could* take top spot temporarily, until that is NVIDIA bring something better out. The hype around the G400 placed it higher performing than it actually was - so I think this will be 1/2 a generation ahead of the GeForce 4's.

Some larger hardware sites have been hinting that they have seen one in action (or indeed have one) and are very impressed with their performance - only time will tell! ;)
Those who saw it in action were very impressed indeed. It seems Matrox is back with a bang. Even if NVIDIA and others come out with new cards, one is sure, Matrox wants to be in the game not just with their excellent 2D products but with both combined.

This is a very good sign as we "the users" gain from good competition. It promotes better quality and down to earth pricing.

Competition is a way of keeping a check on sellers on behalf of the buyers.
Welcome to the forums Didou :)

Here is a French to Pigeon English version of that article - a very interesting read!

I've read a few reports today about the Parhelia card and they are all showing more or less the same results, the Ti4600 beats the pants off it.

In some cases the Ti4600 gives DOUBLE the frame rate of the Parhelia :eek:

It will be good to see what happens with Official Drivers :D
Matrox has always been known to release horrible drivers at first, and improving performances by up to 25% in some cases as the drivers mature. Time will only tell.

As for now, I'm a bit dissapointed as I had high hopes for this card. I'm not into gaming anymore, so I'd buy one for the 2D quality and acceptable 3D, but it's just too darn expensive.