Phantom field

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Hi. I had a field on a form. I deleted the field on the form, then deleted
the field in the table. I've also cleaned up any code reference to that
field. Then I compacted and repaired. But, every time I open the form or
try to navigate to the next record, Access asks me (3 times) to enter the
paramter value for that field.

I can't find a reference to that field anywhere on my form. What did I do
wrong? How can I fix it? Thanks.
Stephanie wrote in message
Hi. I had a field on a form. I deleted the field on the form, then deleted
the field in the table. I've also cleaned up any code reference to that
field. Then I compacted and repaired. But, every time I open the form or
try to navigate to the next record, Access asks me (3 times) to enter the
paramter value for that field.

I can't find a reference to that field anywhere on my form. What did I do
wrong? How can I fix it? Thanks.

It is probably there, somewhere ...

One thhing to try, is the hidden saveastext method. For instance in the
immediata pane (ctrl+g), try

application.saveastext acform, "frmYourForm", "c:\frmYourForm.txt"

which will dump it to a searchable textfile. If you can't find the
there, I'm guessing you've referenced it in conditional formatting.
Is your form based on a query? If so, you may still have the field in the

Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf
Thanks for the details on the saveastext method. The output shows no
reference to the field. Could you explain a bit more about conditional
formating? I'm not sure where to look. Everytime I take an Access break, I
forgot things that I used to know. Thanks.
Stephanie wrote in message
Thanks for the details on the saveastext method. The output shows no
reference to the field. Could you explain a bit more about conditional
formating? I'm not sure where to look. Everytime I take an Access break, I
forgot things that I used to know. Thanks.

Here's a little something I pasted somewhere else with regards to
to find similar for reports. Try pasting this into the on open event of
the form, then hit ctrl+g afterwards, to see if there are any. All the
controls having conditional formatting should be listed, with the
expression used. You can then select the control, then enter
conditional formatting on the format menu, and delete the condition.

dim ctl as control
dim lngFormatCount as long
dim lngCounter as long
dim fcd as formatcondition

for each ctl in me.controls
select case ctl.controltype
case actextbox
lngFormatCount = ctl.formatconditions.count
for lngCounter = 0 to lngformatcount - 1
set fcd = ctl.formatconditions.item(lngCounter)
debug.print, fcd.expression1, fcd.expression2
next lngCounter
case else
' do nothing
end select
next ctl
Here's a bit more info, if it will help you troubleshoot. I created a new
version of the database, then deleted the form and copied it back it from a
previous working version. However, the copied form is giving the same issues
in the current database version. So it seems perhaps it isn't the form, but
I don't know what it could be. Thanks for the help- this is very frustrating!
OK, you were certainly correct. I had subforms with queries that contained
the "phantom" field. Once I deleted the field from the queries, I was able
to navigate to the records. Now I just need to figure out what else I messed
up! Thanks for the help
Good thought! My form wasn't based on a query, but the culprits were
subforms based on a query that contained the errant field. Thanks for the

I noticed you answered a similar question about phantom fileds but it seems
like I have a phntom table. I run a update query and Access sends me a msg
stating cant run update query because tblProductCompany exists. Now I dont
have that tale in my query qrid so what the heck are they talking about.
However it is related to my prodct table at the table level. But it has
nothing to do with this query. Any suggestions?