Hi, I found a record in pfirewall.log action section. The
connection from outside website is DROP as follow. Can
anyone explain this line? Does this line means
[] try to connection into my local PC but
stop by firewall? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.
2004-09-25 18:01:30 DROP TCP x.x.x.x 1863
3803 83 AP 2268784964 1866244669 17136 - - -
connection from outside website is DROP as follow. Can
anyone explain this line? Does this line means
[] try to connection into my local PC but
stop by firewall? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.
2004-09-25 18:01:30 DROP TCP x.x.x.x 1863
3803 83 AP 2268784964 1866244669 17136 - - -