I had to recreate my login so copied all my Docs and Settings to another
folder then deleted the original. I then logged in again and copied the
Outlook folders back into my new Docs and Settings folder structure. After a
bit of fiddling I managed to get my emails back but I noticed that the
Backup command in the File menu was no longer there. I decided to reinstall
PFBackup but it says that it is already installed and to answer Yes to the
next question if I want to uninstall it. When I answer Yes it says that this
operation is only for installed products. Then it says to uninstall it from
Add/Remove Programs but there is no entry for it in A/R Programs. So I can't
install it and I can't uninstall it. How do I get round this?
I had to recreate my login so copied all my Docs and Settings to another
folder then deleted the original. I then logged in again and copied the
Outlook folders back into my new Docs and Settings folder structure. After a
bit of fiddling I managed to get my emails back but I noticed that the
Backup command in the File menu was no longer there. I decided to reinstall
PFBackup but it says that it is already installed and to answer Yes to the
next question if I want to uninstall it. When I answer Yes it says that this
operation is only for installed products. Then it says to uninstall it from
Add/Remove Programs but there is no entry for it in A/R Programs. So I can't
install it and I can't uninstall it. How do I get round this?