I tried an e-mail, but it bounced. Hence this post. Please don't take
this as a flame. I am truly trying to be helpful.
I know you are trying to participate in the group and be helpful. However,
your responses have a few flaws.
Your repeated use of "Thank you for posting in the community." is just
noise. It contributes nothing.
You seem to find it necessary to post a re-wording of the problem and then
say "I am researching the problem, and I will update you with new
information ASAP." This contributes nothing. Either you have some help
for the poster or you don't.
Sometimes you ignore what others have said and come up with "your"
solution. Seems a bit arrogant.
Sometimes you acknowledge what others have said and then say you agree.
Unnecessary if the others have properly answered the original poster's
problem. This just adds noise.
Sometimes you extend what someone else said with additional information.
Great! However, embedding it with a bunch of needless "Thanks" "Here is
my version of your problem" wordiness doesn't add a thing.
I read every message in this group. I tend to skip yours because of the
noise. Note how Cor, Armin, Herfried and Jay post. Often no greeting,
certainly no "thanks for posting," a brief explanation of the solution to
the problem as they see it without verification. If that didn't help the
original poster will post back.
this as a flame. I am truly trying to be helpful.
I know you are trying to participate in the group and be helpful. However,
your responses have a few flaws.
Your repeated use of "Thank you for posting in the community." is just
noise. It contributes nothing.
You seem to find it necessary to post a re-wording of the problem and then
say "I am researching the problem, and I will update you with new
information ASAP." This contributes nothing. Either you have some help
for the poster or you don't.
Sometimes you ignore what others have said and come up with "your"
solution. Seems a bit arrogant.
Sometimes you acknowledge what others have said and then say you agree.
Unnecessary if the others have properly answered the original poster's
problem. This just adds noise.
Sometimes you extend what someone else said with additional information.
Great! However, embedding it with a bunch of needless "Thanks" "Here is
my version of your problem" wordiness doesn't add a thing.
I read every message in this group. I tend to skip yours because of the
noise. Note how Cor, Armin, Herfried and Jay post. Often no greeting,
certainly no "thanks for posting," a brief explanation of the solution to
the problem as they see it without verification. If that didn't help the
original poster will post back.