Pet Store Database Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter maccessgirl
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I am part owner of pet store and I want to build a database. The
problem is I don't know where to begin.

This is what we are trying to track:
We are trying to track those who recently adopted pets so we can send
out Thank you letters.
1.In general, track how many pets are adpted during any period (can be
month or year)
2.We want to look at how many animals are adopted by the same family.
We only allow apotions after three months have passed since the
previous adoption.
3. We want to remind owners of any vaccinations, surgery, and medical
treatments their pets need and finally
4. Have something where potential owners are notified when a certain
pet that they have specified comes in

I am slightly familar with ER design and normalization, however I would
like someone to help me 'map' this out.

This is a data model for a veterinarian practice. Though it doesn't directly
address your application, it could give you an idea of where to begin, and
what a normalized table setup looks like.

One way of dealing with adoptions is to make a ledger table that brings in
the foreign keys of ownerID and petID along with a date. Using a
form/subform could then bring up all of the pets adopted by a particular
owner, along with the date of adoption, and show whether the owner is
eligible for adopting a new pet.
First, decide on the 'objects' your system will support. At first glance
Then decide on what data items you need to store for each object (e.g. Owner
name, owner phone #, pet name, pet breed etc.).
Then decide how your objects are related to each other (An owner may have
more than one pet etc.)
The above is the most important step and you should spend a lot of time on it.
After this, decide on what operations you need to perform (e.g. add a pet to
an owner) and what forms and reports will be needed to input and output the
