But--none of these fixes need be done unless network connectivity is
impacted by the spyware removal. If you run these as a matter of course
after spyware removal, you run the risk of removing legitimate third-party
LSP's from the chain.
What OS and SP level? The KB citation has two different methods--one for XP
SP2, and the other for all earlier versions covered by this beta--you have
to follow a link to a second KB, and use the workaround paragraph in that
second KB article to do the fix in the older versions, as I recall. That's
why I often post the third-party utility. I do post one which isn't useful
on WinMe or earlier, because those Windows versions aren't covered by this
Have not tried running the KB citation, but do so.
After removing a spyware, I can't remember which, links on OL and OE don't work
and tried running http://www.cexx.org/lspfix.htm
and links open up in IE
Only if you get in a mix connecting back to the Internet would you need it.
As Bill mentions, you can hit the KB or just do a manual reset of the stack.