Personal Dictionary



I was writing a message in Windows Mail and added an incorrect word to the
dictionary by mistake. Where is the persomnal dictionary file so I can go
and delete this missopelled word? I have Works 9 and use CorelWordPerfect
X3 for word processing and run it on Vista Home Premium.
15 years and three computer ago I used works all the time and seem to
remember a file where I could go and edit the custom or personal dictionary.


Sue said:
I was writing a message in Windows Mail and added an incorrect word to the
dictionary by mistake. Where is the persomnal dictionary file so I can go
and delete this missopelled word? I have Works 9 and use
X3 for word processing and run it on Vista Home Premium.
15 years and three computer ago I used works all the time and seem to
remember a file where I could go and edit the custom or personal

The user dictionary can be accessed at C:\Users\user
name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\UserDictionary.lex


Vista seems to be destined to drive me crazy. I have not yet figured out how
to find files -- I have tried to go to the location you noted and there does
not seem to be any appdata folder under my username.
There are so many different search options on visga I am nort sure which are
for the hard drive and which are for the net.


Sorrry Mac, I have looked at the "Directory" and as far as I can go is to C:
Users Username and then teh foldes dont give me what you say should be there.
I am using Vista Home Premium.

Gary VanderMolen

AppData is a 'hidden' folder.
When setting up a new Windows computer, one of the first things I do
is to change the Folder Options so I can see hidden files and file
Go to Control Panel, Folder Options, View, select "Show hidden files and
Also uncheck "Hide extensions..."


Finally figured that out and then finally got the idea to open the .lex file
in notepad (it would not open automatically) and now the misssspellllled word
is gone and I am good to go. THANK U

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