Persisting Trace.axd



I need to log and collate trace information from servers in a shared
environment. I'd like to use Trace.axd. Can the tracing info displayed with
Trace.axd be persisted? Can it be collated?

Brock Allen

There are no public APIs to read that data in the current version. I've heard
of people writing screen scraping apps to capture that data. In v2.0 there's
a public API to read some of this data, but it's incomplete IMO.


Matt Berther

Hello Shawn,

Boy, I might be stepping *way* out here... I've not tried this at all, but
I do know that you can do some great stuff with Response filters.

You may be able to set up a Filter which would pipe this stuff out to a file.
You could wire it up in BeginRequest (if the filename matches trace.axd).

Again, I have not tried this... it is an idea worth exploring though. Especially
if trace.axd requests are routed through your applications pipeline.

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