Mark Olbert
I've written a component that has a few complex properties (i.e., properties with public
subproperties) that need to be persisted.
How do I do this?
I can get "simple" properties (e.g., string) to persist by attributing them with
DesignerSerializationVisiblity(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible), but the corresponding
attribute that I >>thought<< would work for complex properties ('Content') doesn't work.
FYI, the complex property is an object with two public string properties, File and Assembly, so they
should be persistable.
I would also like to point out to any Microsofties monitoring this group that the entire issue of
property persistence is stunningly poorly documented, given how important it is if you want to right
anything other than an "idiot" control. Whoever wrote what is available in the online help for
VS.NET ought to be whipped with a wet noodle. Preferably one with barbs.
- Mark
subproperties) that need to be persisted.
How do I do this?
I can get "simple" properties (e.g., string) to persist by attributing them with
DesignerSerializationVisiblity(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible), but the corresponding
attribute that I >>thought<< would work for complex properties ('Content') doesn't work.
FYI, the complex property is an object with two public string properties, File and Assembly, so they
should be persistable.
I would also like to point out to any Microsofties monitoring this group that the entire issue of
property persistence is stunningly poorly documented, given how important it is if you want to right
anything other than an "idiot" control. Whoever wrote what is available in the online help for
VS.NET ought to be whipped with a wet noodle. Preferably one with barbs.
- Mark