Hi, SB.
TIFs are special files that don't follow the "normal" rules. Have you tried
to manage them from Internet Explorer? Click Tools | Internet Options...
On the first (General) tab, you can use the Delete Files... button.
Or you can click Settings... and note the Current location of your TIF.
Then click Move Folder... and specify a new location. When you click OK, it
will warn you that it is about to log you off the computer to finish the
job. Be sure you've saved everything because your computer is going to
restart, then click OK. After the reboot, you should find that your TIFs
are in the new location. Then you can use "normal" Windows tools to delete
the former TIF folder, which is no longer "special". If you still want your
TIF in the old location, just go through the Move Folder process again; your
temporary TIF location should get cleaned up by the time you get logged in
again. If not, you can use "normal" Windows or "DOS" tools to tidy up.
In moving the TIF folder, remember that the real files are in folders with
computer-generated names (usually 4 of them) within the Content.IE5 folder,
which is in the Temporary Internet Files folder. Point to the folder that
you want to become the PARENT folder of TIF.
If you have broadband, you might want to click the Advanced tab of Internet
Options, scroll down to Security, and click Empty Temporary Internet Files
folder when browser is closed. This will help to keep your TIF cache clean,
and with broadband ID can get a page again almost as quickly as it can find
the old copy in your cache.
Let us know how this works out for you, or if you hit any snags.