This does not seem to be Active Directory related. I might suggest that you
post this to a more appropriate NG - maybe to the WIN2000 General NG.
But, a few questions to investigate and then include in your post to the
other NG: is it always the same program that is generating this error
message? Have you looked in the logs ( probably the application event
logs )? There will most probably be some sort of entry. To get to the logs
you go right click My Computer, select 'Manage' and under the System Tools
just look in the Event Viewer.
Have you added anything to the computer in question directly before this
started to happen? Removed anything from this computer directly before this
started to happen?
have you done a search at the MS Knowledge Base ( located at ). Simply enter your error as the search
parameter and make sure to select "all of these words" or "only these
words". Have you done a google search?
Are you at home or in a company? If in a company, have you contacted your
Help Desk or It Department?