Michael Roper said:
Thanks Michael. Is there a good reason this was left out of the language?
Seems odd not to make scope and lifetime independent attributes where it
makes sense to do so. Is it that information hiding is not considered as
important as lifetime, or am I missing the big picture?
I agree with you that it seems odd to be missing (but that's just my C++
heritage talking). I'm sure a lot of people from the Java camp would make
comments about the language being simpler this way. Classes hold state, not
methods, etc. If you do a google search within this newsgroup for "static
local variable" you'll find many threads on this topic. I suppose a very
similar case is variables that are tied to just a property, but not
The language has many mechanisms to help you encapsulate date (hide it) from
the "outside" world. There are very few mechanisms for futher encapsulating
data within a class from other parts of the class. If your classes are
small enough and simple enough, you shouldn't have too many problems just
letting your variables be class-wide. When your classes start to get big
and are developed by many developers, that's when it would be nice to have
some ways to hide data better. I suppose the only thing we can do now is to
try to keep classes as simple as possible.