Johnny said:
As far as I can tell I have managed to turn 'Permissions' off, but
nevertheless I am told I need permission when I try to change a folder
name. How can I do something about this?
Before you go further with this, please provide a full explanation of what
you have done. See the links at the bottom of this post for what details
you should include in your next post in order to get focused help. Here are
some questions I have:
1. What do you mean "managed to turn Permissions" off. What exactly did you
do and why?
2. In your second post you said this is a folder that you created yourself.
Give the full path to the folder, its current name, and the name to which
you wish to change it. Example:
change to C:\Users\your-username\Documents\Play
3. What version of Vista are you running?
4. What happens when you try to change this folder's name? If you get an
error message, please quote the exact text.
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