Permissions to table reset for users

Mar 25, 2009
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I had the biggest problem trying to set a "Read-Only" group access to my database due to a make-table query that is fired (in a vba script) by the "Autoexec" macro (anything in a macro with this name fires when the database is opened, automatically. The reason I needed this to fire each time the database is opened is to keep the data in my main lookup-table fresh, as this is data used in many queries/forms in the database, and the data changes often. At first I set the Read-Only permission to this table at least to "Modify" the table. But, if I were to login with my Administrator/Owner login, and then again with a Read-Only login, it would drop the "Modify" permission to the table.

What I ended up doing, the only method I found that worked, was to give "Administer" access to the table being created each time by the make-table query, rather than just "Modify" permission. I also set the permission on the query to at least "Update Data" for the Read-Only group.