Permissions not making sense

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dean
  • Start date Start date



I think I'm loosing it. The permissions seems to be a
rather backwards system. Let me explain.

I want to prevent a User from reading the contents of a
folder, but a file inside the folder can be accessed via a

User U1 is part of Group G1

To understand this, I tried to sent up a folder in which
the Administrator has Full Control.

If the Group "Everyone" has permissions to read the
contents of the folder, User U1 can read the contents.

If "Everyone" is removed but U1 is added with Full Control
it comes up Access Denied. (Whether individually or part
of group "G1")

It is as though if by group membership in "Everyone", U1
can access the folder, but with explicit "Allow"
statements it doesn't work.

The original folder share had permissions set to
allow "Everyone" Full Control.

Does this make sense to anyone else, or has Microsoft
invoked some weird sense of logic? Any suggestions of
where I can find info to help sort this out?

Dean said:

I think I'm loosing it. The permissions seems to be a
rather backwards system. Let me explain.

I want to prevent a User from reading the contents of a
folder, but a file inside the folder can be accessed via a

User U1 is part of Group G1

To understand this, I tried to sent up a folder in which
the Administrator has Full Control.

If the Group "Everyone" has permissions to read the
contents of the folder, User U1 can read the contents.

If "Everyone" is removed but U1 is added with Full Control
it comes up Access Denied. (Whether individually or part
of group "G1")

It is as though if by group membership in "Everyone", U1
can access the folder, but with explicit "Allow"
statements it doesn't work.

The original folder share had permissions set to
allow "Everyone" Full Control.

Does this make sense to anyone else, or has Microsoft
invoked some weird sense of logic? Any suggestions of
where I can find info to help sort this out?


It all depends what you mean with 'If "Everyone" is removed'.
If you deny "Everyone" access to a certain resource then
the denial will take precedence over other permissions.
-----Original Message-----

It all depends what you mean with 'If "Everyone" is removed'.
If you deny "Everyone" access to a certain resource then
the denial will take precedence over other permissions.

Actually, I meant if the "Everyone" group was removed from
the permission list. Not setting any "Deny" entries, but
removing the "Everyone" group from the permissions list.
Dean said:
Actually, I meant if the "Everyone" group was removed from
the permission list. Not setting any "Deny" entries, but
removing the "Everyone" group from the permissions list.

I ran this little batch file to test your claim:

@echo off
if exist d:\test rd /s /q d:\test
md d:\test

cacls d:\test
echo Authenticated Users have full access.

cacls d:\test /t /e /g administrators:F
echo Administrators ^& Authenticated Users have full access.

cacls d:\test /t /e /r "authenticated users"
echo Only Administrators have access.

net localgroup G1 /add
net localgroup G1 "Dean" /add
cacls d:\test /t /e /g "G1":F
echo Administrators ^& members of G1 have full access.

Before I executed the batch file, I used runas.exe to start an instance
of cmd.exe under "Dean". Each time the batch file paused, I ran this
command in the "Dean" instance of cmd.exe:

cacls d:\test

The results corresponded exactly with my expectations: "Dean"
was denied access only in the case where "Administrators" had
sole access rights. In all other cases, "Dean" had full access rights.
Dean said:

I think I'm loosing it. The permissions seems to be a
rather backwards system. Let me explain.

I want to prevent a User from reading the contents of a
folder, but a file inside the folder can be accessed via a

User U1 is part of Group G1

To understand this, I tried to sent up a folder in which
the Administrator has Full Control.

If the Group "Everyone" has permissions to read the
contents of the folder, User U1 can read the contents.

If "Everyone" is removed but U1 is added with Full Control
it comes up Access Denied. (Whether individually or part
of group "G1")

It is as though if by group membership in "Everyone", U1
can access the folder, but with explicit "Allow"
statements it doesn't work.

The original folder share had permissions set to
allow "Everyone" Full Control.

Does this make sense to anyone else, or has Microsoft
invoked some weird sense of logic? Any suggestions of
where I can find info to help sort this out?


Dean, are you talking about share permissions or NTFS permissions??