Permission levels


Mike Hampton

Please forgive me but I am having a problem and cannot even determine
the words to use. I am using FP 2003

I am changing web hosts and need to determine how to allow use of the
SERVER Permissions button
I go to

Server ..... Server is grey - not available

Currently on my original web host provider - if you go to it will ask for a user name and
password. I know that I set this up with permissions by using the
Server button under Tools

However I am going to move it to http: unfortunately the
SERVER button under Tools is greyed out

How is this option changed so that I have this ability

Thank you so very much

Mike Hampton

JPKarlsen [FP MVP]

Your host must support this. There is nothing you can do apart from contacting your host to see if they will enable it.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

nntp://<[email protected]>

Please forgive me but I am having a problem and cannot even determine
the words to use. I am using FP 2003

I am changing web hosts and need to determine how to allow use of the
SERVER Permissions button
I go to

Server ..... Server is grey - not available

Currently on my original web host provider - if you go to it will ask for a user name and
password. I know that I set this up with permissions by using the
Server button under Tools

However I am going to move it to http: unfortunately the
SERVER button under Tools is greyed out

How is this option changed so that I have this ability

Thank you so very much

Mike Hampton


Mike Hampton

Thank you Mr Karlsen
However - maybe this would be my question .....
Where do I tell my Host to look to determine how they set it up. Isn't
it part of the server extensions ......

Thank you

Thomas A. Rowe

Each host can decide what features/functions of the extensions to support, as well as what level of
permissions their client can have access to.

The best thing to do, is to explain to your host what it is that you want to do, then ask them if it
is possible to do under your current hosting account.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Mike Hampton said:
Thank you Mr Karlsen
However - maybe this would be my question .....
Where do I tell my Host to look to determine how they set it up. Isn't
it part of the server extensions ......

Thank you

Your host must support this. There is nothing you can do apart from contacting your host to see if they will enable it.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.
nntp:// said:
Please forgive me but I am having a problem and cannot even determine
the words to use. I am using FP 2003

I am changing web hosts and need to determine how to allow use of the
SERVER Permissions button
I go to

Server ..... Server is grey - not available

Currently on my original web host provider - if you go to it will ask for a user name and
password. I know that I set this up with permissions by using the
Server button under Tools

However I am going to move it to http: unfortunately the
SERVER button under Tools is greyed out

How is this option changed so that I have this ability

Thank you so very much

Mike Hampton


Mike Hampton

Mr Rowe
Thank you. He is willing to do it but cannot find where/how to do it.
I am trying to help. He is new to FrontPage Server extensions and
cannot find the location to do it. All I nee is to be able to tell him
what/where to look at/for so that he can get it accomplished.

I still am unsure but believe that all this takes is an adjustment to
the extensions.

So sorry that I cannot seem to be more clear but I am trying

mike Hampton

Thomas A. Rowe

Have him look at:

- Server Administration
- SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide
- If you are a Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions Administrator
(everything below this on this side of the page)

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

JPKarlsen [FP MVP]

Tell him to read the SERK (Server Extensions Resource Kit). It is described there.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

nntp://<[email protected]>

Mr Rowe
Thank you. He is willing to do it but cannot find where/how to do it.
I am trying to help. He is new to FrontPage Server extensions and
cannot find the location to do it. All I nee is to be able to tell him
what/where to look at/for so that he can get it accomplished.

I still am unsure but believe that all this takes is an adjustment to
the extensions.

So sorry that I cannot seem to be more clear but I am trying

mike Hampton

Each host can decide what features/functions of the extensions to support, as well as what level of
permissions their client can have access to.

The best thing to do, is to explain to your host what it is that you want to do, then ask them if it
is possible to do under your current hosting account.


Mike Hampton

Thank you - I have forwarded that to him

Mike Hampton

Tell him to read the SERK (Server Extensions Resource Kit). It is described there.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

nntp://<[email protected]>

Mr Rowe
Thank you. He is willing to do it but cannot find where/how to do it.
I am trying to help. He is new to FrontPage Server extensions and
cannot find the location to do it. All I nee is to be able to tell him
what/where to look at/for so that he can get it accomplished.

I still am unsure but believe that all this takes is an adjustment to
the extensions.

So sorry that I cannot seem to be more clear but I am trying

mike Hampton

Each host can decide what features/functions of the extensions to support, as well as what level of
permissions their client can have access to.

The best thing to do, is to explain to your host what it is that you want to do, then ask them if it
is possible to do under your current hosting account.


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