Permission denied in killing process?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Giedrius
  • Start date Start date


we have a 2 processor, win2000 terminal server with lot of users. all are
running some app.exe
some times for one user this app.exe somehow locks and takes 50% of cpu (1
of 2 cpu)
Most interesting that this process can not be killed, and says "Permission
Neither killing process, nor resetting rdp connection works, as this process
stays active.

Looking at Events, only "Security policy in the Group policy objects has
been applied successfully." exists at about the same time (+-5min) this
app.exe locks
Perhaps somebody knows what should happen to make user process not killable
for administrator?
Whick way are you trying to terminate the process:

1. End Task (Task Manager)
2. kill.exe (resource kit)
3. pskill.exe (

If using kill.exe, did youo use the /f switch?

Have you considered using a process management program to protect your
system from hungry processes. ThreadMaster is free, but had no GUI. Nice 3rd
party programs are WM Software Relevos, Appsense Performance Manager, Aurema
ArmTech, RTOSoft TScale, TMurgent TMULimit ....

Patrick Rouse
Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server

Patrick Rouse
Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
Tried only End Task (Task Manager),
next time I'll try other tools, thanks for giving hints.
Yes, the cmd line tools allow you to kill a process, regardless of its'
status, whereas task manager is very limited.