I am sure this is a pretty stupid question, but.....
Is there any way to store a permanent variable that can be incremented
over time between sessions and calls to the function? Meaning: I want
to store a number in a variable that can be accessed / added to / and
subtracted from from different functions over the course of many
workbook openings and closings.
For example: perVar would refer to a number like 1.
When function IncPerm() was run, it would add 1 to perVar so that
perVar = 2 for all other functions to reference from then on.
I know that I can store this value in a cell, but I am trying to avoid
Any one have any ideas on this? All help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Is there any way to store a permanent variable that can be incremented
over time between sessions and calls to the function? Meaning: I want
to store a number in a variable that can be accessed / added to / and
subtracted from from different functions over the course of many
workbook openings and closings.
For example: perVar would refer to a number like 1.
When function IncPerm() was run, it would add 1 to perVar so that
perVar = 2 for all other functions to reference from then on.
I know that I can store this value in a cell, but I am trying to avoid
Any one have any ideas on this? All help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,