Permanent Removal of Header/Footer when Printing


Jeff F.

Does anybody know how to setup IE to never print the
header or footer when printing html pages? I know I can
use page setup to do on a case-by-case basis, but I'd
like to permanently remove them if possible! Thanks.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Jeff F. said:
Does anybody know how to setup IE to never print the
header or footer when printing html pages? I know I can
use page setup to do on a case-by-case basis, but I'd
like to permanently remove them if possible! Thanks.

File | Page Setup.
Delete the contents of the header and footer.

Jeff F.


Thanks, but I am looking for a way to permanently remove
them- not have to do it everytime I print. Ideally, if
anyone knows of a downloadable .exe file that I can use
to change the registry for this- that would be perfect.


looking thru all the printer properties can not find
anything so you might check with printer website and ask
them. there was a previous post last month someone asked
how to add the footer/header. in page stepup use the ?
and move to header box.

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