permanant date display

  • Thread starter Thread starter wayland
  • Start date Start date


Is has always puzzled me why the date does not appear
along with the time in the task bar at the bottom right
corner. Is there a way that there can be a permanant
display just like the time?
Hi Wayland,

For a constant date display increase the size of the taskbar by dragging
it's leading edge toward the top to the screen;doing this will also display
the day of the week. This has the ironic drawback of giving you a large task
bar which you'll probably want to set on auto-hide... :)

You can also drag the taskbar to either the left or right margin of the
screen; in that scenario the task bar is wide enough by default to display
all the date information.

If you hover the mouse over the time it will display the date... which might
be a better solution.
If you re-size your taskbar a little larger, your date will display. Make
sure to unlock your taskbar first.


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