Hi, i have a dell m1330 laptop, about 2 months old. Specs are>
Intel core2 duo cpu [email protected]
3gigs ram
220gigs HD
It came installed with vista home premium but yesterday i bought the vista
ultimate upgrade dvd. I inserted the dvd and upgraded as per instructions. It
was completed without any problems.I've installed all important updates and
rebooted the computer many times.
Now my laptop runs really slow, takes a longer time to boot up -about 3 or 4
mins now. In my sidebar i have a CPU meter and usually both cores run at
less than 50 percent but now it jumps around 90-100%?? The graph looks like a
lie detector when charles manson answered no to the question if he killed
anyone??!! BTW im not running anything except firefox
Please help?? Why is this so and how can i fix it?
Intel core2 duo cpu [email protected]
3gigs ram
220gigs HD
It came installed with vista home premium but yesterday i bought the vista
ultimate upgrade dvd. I inserted the dvd and upgraded as per instructions. It
was completed without any problems.I've installed all important updates and
rebooted the computer many times.
Now my laptop runs really slow, takes a longer time to boot up -about 3 or 4
mins now. In my sidebar i have a CPU meter and usually both cores run at
less than 50 percent but now it jumps around 90-100%?? The graph looks like a
lie detector when charles manson answered no to the question if he killed
anyone??!! BTW im not running anything except firefox
Please help?? Why is this so and how can i fix it?