I've a PPC application which connects to a remote PC SQL server 2000 and
uses its DBs as its own.
The PPC is connected through an Access Point to the server.
The problem SOMETIMES begin during regular work, when the user input data
( about 1000 to 2000 records , one at a time) into the sql server database.
The PPC starts to work VERY slow( lets say about 10 times more slow), and
not just the application its self, but the whole OS (I've checked the
functionallity of the PPC after I've existed the app)
The problem normally apears at a ratio of 1:2 days and sometime can apear
several times a day.
To solve the problem the user performs a Warm boot to the PPC, and resume
the work.
It looks like some resource in still in memory, and slows the system down.
My question is how can I find that resource(if I'm currect), and deal with
it when its needed?
I've a PPC application which connects to a remote PC SQL server 2000 and
uses its DBs as its own.
The PPC is connected through an Access Point to the server.
The problem SOMETIMES begin during regular work, when the user input data
( about 1000 to 2000 records , one at a time) into the sql server database.
The PPC starts to work VERY slow( lets say about 10 times more slow), and
not just the application its self, but the whole OS (I've checked the
functionallity of the PPC after I've existed the app)
The problem normally apears at a ratio of 1:2 days and sometime can apear
several times a day.
To solve the problem the user performs a Warm boot to the PPC, and resume
the work.
It looks like some resource in still in memory, and slows the system down.
My question is how can I find that resource(if I'm currect), and deal with
it when its needed?