Performance OleDbDataAdapter.Update() and status?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Brockhoff
  • Start date Start date

Michael Brockhoff

Hello NG,

i have here a functon wich I use to restore a certain state of
a DataTable. Its working but you might find some points where i could get better performance.
With MS SQL Server this funktion is fast enough for me (it takes for a DataTable with 10000 Rows about 1-2

But if i use Access in the OleDbConnection performance drops dramaticly! Now the same thing
takes about 20 seconds!
I had this Problem allready earlier and resolved it using ADODB.

2 Qestions:
1) Do you have any sugestions how to improve Performance?
The most time consumes the OleDbDataAdapter.Update() funktion...

2) Is their any way to get a status how far the Update is? To show a progress bar?



the rollback function: (sorry for german commennts but i guess you will get it...)
/// <summary>
/// Mit der OledDbConnection wird die eingestellte Datenbank
/// geöffnet.
/// In dem DataSet _dsRollback sind die Tables enthalten die wiederhergestellt werden soll.
/// 1) Den Jeweiligen DataTable von der Datenbank abrufen
/// 2) alle DataRows löschen
/// 3) die DataRows der Sicherung in den DataTable hinienkopieren
/// 4) Alles OK dann speichern! (falls vorher eine Exception ausgelöst wird muss die vom Aufrufer
/// per try catch gehandelt werden.
/// 5) Nächste Table und alles fängt von vorne an...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public void RollBack(OleDbConnection conn){
foreach(DataTable xTable in this._dsRollBack.Tables){
DataTable orginalTable = new DataTable(xTable.TableName);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = FillDataTable(orginalTable, conn);
// Orginal Daten löschen
foreach(DataRow xRow in orginalTable.Rows){

// Jetzt die Rows von der Sicherung hineinkopieren
foreach(DataRow xRow in xTable.Rows){
DataRow newRow = orginalTable.NewRow();
foreach(DataColumn xColumn in newRow.Table.Columns){
newRow[xColumn.ColumnName] = xRow[xColumn.ColumnName];

// und Änderungen im Server speichern

the ADOB how i used it earlier (sorry again for german commennts but i guess you will get it...)
// jetzt geht es weiter mit ADODB da "jet" performace
// Probleme mit ADO.NET hat. Bei wechsel auf MSDE muss
// Das hier wieder umgestellt werden auf SQL...

ADODB.Connection adoConn = new ADODB.Connection();
ADODB.Recordset adoRS = new ADODB.Recordset();

adoConn.Open(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["_strGeraeteParameterConnectionString"], "", "", -1);
adoRS.Open("SELECT * FROM "+_strGeraet, adoConn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly,

object[] Fieldlist = new object[8];
object[] Values = new object[8];

Fieldlist[0] = "ID";
Fieldlist[1] = "Name";
Fieldlist[2] = "Sende_Bytes";
Fieldlist[3] = "Sende_Werte";
Fieldlist[4] = "Empfangs_Werte";
Fieldlist[5] = "Default_Werte";
Fieldlist[6] = "Typ";
Fieldlist[7] = "Kommentar";

Values[0] = "160.";
Values[1] = "Parameter der Positionen";
Values[2] =Values[3] =Values[4] =Values[5] =Values[6] =Values[7] = null;
adoRS.AddNew(Fieldlist, Values);
1- When you call update, the adapter loops through each row, checks the
rowstate and fires the corresponding command if one is available. So for
each row changed, that's a trip to the db. That will be changed in ADO.NET
2.0 but for now that's the behavior. Access as far as I know doesn't
support batch updates anyway so AFAIK, I don't see a opening to improve
performance greatly.

2- YOu can trap OnRowUpdating and each time it's raised, that's when an
attempt is made to update the row.OnRowUpdated will work as well. This will
walk you through it

W.G. Ryan, MVP | |
Michael Brockhoff said:
Hello NG,

i have here a functon wich I use to restore a certain state of
a DataTable. Its working but you might find some points where i could get better performance.
With MS SQL Server this funktion is fast enough for me (it takes for a
DataTable with 10000 Rows about 1-2

But if i use Access in the OleDbConnection performance drops dramaticly! Now the same thing
takes about 20 seconds!
I had this Problem allready earlier and resolved it using ADODB.

2 Qestions:
1) Do you have any sugestions how to improve Performance?
The most time consumes the OleDbDataAdapter.Update() funktion...

2) Is their any way to get a status how far the Update is? To show a progress bar?



the rollback function: (sorry for german commennts but i guess you will get it...)
/// <summary>
/// Mit der OledDbConnection wird die eingestellte Datenbank
/// geöffnet.
/// In dem DataSet _dsRollback sind die Tables enthalten die wiederhergestellt werden soll.
/// 1) Den Jeweiligen DataTable von der Datenbank abrufen
/// 2) alle DataRows löschen
/// 3) die DataRows der Sicherung in den DataTable hinienkopieren
/// 4) Alles OK dann speichern! (falls vorher eine Exception ausgelöst wird muss die vom Aufrufer
/// per try catch gehandelt werden.
/// 5) Nächste Table und alles fängt von vorne an...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="conn"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public void RollBack(OleDbConnection conn){
foreach(DataTable xTable in this._dsRollBack.Tables){
DataTable orginalTable = new DataTable(xTable.TableName);
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = FillDataTable(orginalTable, conn);
// Orginal Daten löschen
foreach(DataRow xRow in orginalTable.Rows){

// Jetzt die Rows von der Sicherung hineinkopieren
foreach(DataRow xRow in xTable.Rows){
DataRow newRow = orginalTable.NewRow();
foreach(DataColumn xColumn in newRow.Table.Columns){
newRow[xColumn.ColumnName] = xRow[xColumn.ColumnName];

// und Änderungen im Server speichern

the ADOB how i used it earlier (sorry again for german commennts but i guess you will get it...)
// jetzt geht es weiter mit ADODB da "jet" performace
// Probleme mit ADO.NET hat. Bei wechsel auf MSDE muss
// Das hier wieder umgestellt werden auf SQL...

ADODB.Connection adoConn = new ADODB.Connection();
ADODB.Recordset adoRS = new ADODB.Recordset();
onString"], "", "", -1);
adoRS.Open("SELECT * FROM "+_strGeraet, adoConn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly,

object[] Fieldlist = new object[8];
object[] Values = new object[8];

Fieldlist[0] = "ID";
Fieldlist[1] = "Name";
Fieldlist[2] = "Sende_Bytes";
Fieldlist[3] = "Sende_Werte";
Fieldlist[4] = "Empfangs_Werte";
Fieldlist[5] = "Default_Werte";
Fieldlist[6] = "Typ";
Fieldlist[7] = "Kommentar";

Values[0] = "160.";
Values[1] = "Parameter der Positionen";
Values[2] =Values[3] =Values[4] =Values[5] =Values[6] =Values[7] = null;
adoRS.AddNew(Fieldlist, Values);