Performance of Integrated Motherboards

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Greetings...I am in the process of upgrading my computer in the next few
weeks... I want to get either a amd 5600 or 6000 chip and upgrade my Hard
Drive to 250 or 300 gigs... and of course add vista. I work on my computer
but do not have time to game (bummer). I do use my computer to play DVD's and
to burn and write them. I spend a lot of time on my computer because of my
home based business. I was told by a someone that most likely I do not need a
seperate video card because the kind of things I do on my computer does not
warrant it. Yet sometimes I do watch parts of movies on my computer. So
quality playback of the movie would be important. BUt I was told that the
video card on the integrated video cards such as Nvidia 7050 or 6100 etc
would be good enough for my needs. Is this true? What about the increased
demands of Vista on my machine. I plan on getting at least 2000 gigs of
memory DDR2. So I am wondering if I need to spend the extra money on a video
card. If you think that an integrated video card would be adequate...any
suggestions on which one is best....I usually rebuild my computer every two

thanks in advance for your time....
I would get an 8500gt they go for about 75 dollars, but an on board video
may works for you it depends if you want to spent the extra money.
Decent on board graphics will be fine for movies. Gaming puts a far higher
strain on video cards than movies do. Plus, you can always add a graphics
card if you are not happy with performance..
thanks for your they work basically what you are
saying unless I do games.....but I do not have time anymore for games....