I have done some reading and figured that i can determine
the number of connections in my data pool.
i.e. http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6329_11-5034285-
My question relates to performance monitor. While adding
the counters to performance monitor there is a selection
box for "Instance". I see a couple of my applications in
this instance box however, i do not see the web
application that I would like to measure. I see a
number of w3svc/xx/xxx instances. How do i determine
which w3svc instance is the one i need to track?
I also have read that I should take the results with a
grain of salt. That is fine.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
the number of connections in my data pool.
i.e. http://techrepublic.com.com/5100-6329_11-5034285-
My question relates to performance monitor. While adding
the counters to performance monitor there is a selection
box for "Instance". I see a couple of my applications in
this instance box however, i do not see the web
application that I would like to measure. I see a
number of w3svc/xx/xxx instances. How do i determine
which w3svc instance is the one i need to track?
I also have read that I should take the results with a
grain of salt. That is fine.
Any help is greatly appreciated.