Performance measurments?

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I was wondering how the performance ratings are calulated.I've read the
information and I can't believe I'm getting such a low score.In face my other
computer running less memory and less on-board graphics memory gets a higer
score.Also it takes forever to boot.
System one.
Asus P5N32-SLI SE deluxe M/B
I ntel duo core extreme edition 2.96
gigs of Corsair DDR2 6400 ram dominator series
600 gig combined raid array wd sata drives (Nvidia) SLI
Nvidia SLI (QUad) graphis card with 1 gig of onboard ddr3 memory
Vista Ultimate
Performance rating of 4.5

System two
Asus p5 /mb with 775 intel 3.6 with hyperthreading
Raid array 500 gig total w/d sata
1 gig of corsai extreme 5400 ddr
ATI 1950 graphics card with 512 mb
vista ultimate

performance rating 5.8

It really makes me wonder how this rating came about.
But what are the individual component sub-scores? This should identify the
culprit for the overall rating. The overall rating is the lowest of the
individual components.
Memory is rated on speed, not size/quantity. Also, define 'forever'... how
long is that again? 1 minutes, 2 minutes, 10 minutes?

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
Hello Ron
Thank you for your response.I already checked that and the lowest score was
for the graphics card?
Thank you for your response.the speed of the memory is... This memory has
been verified to operate at 800MHz .And it takes approximately 7.5 minutes to
thanks again
You are looking at a problem with the nVidia graphics drivers. There has
been discussion of a lawsuit the drivers are written so poorly. Find more
about the issue on the web.

Sorry for the late reply. As others have alreeady stated the Nvidea drivers
have been real problematic for a lot of users. If the latest versions are
not working well, you might try a slightly earlier version, etc. Hopefully
they will get this problem resolved.

If this does not resolve the problem, you might want to try turning off all
of the enhanced graphic features like Aero, Glass effect and the other
special effects until there are updated drivers available..
I am running a SLI 8800 GTX video card and I have received all 5.9's with a
core two quad extreme. No problems whatsovever on nvidia drivers. I did
have a problem with the memory which dropped it down to a 5.0 but got it

Motherboard is 680i chipset by nvidia. But other than pride, does it make
that much difference.