Performance improvement ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary
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I would like to know if I use C# instead of Vb.Net for Server components,
will there a performance improvement ?


Since all the compiled code ( MSIL ) will be conevrted
by the same ZIT, and moreover it uses the same CLR
facilities, I dont see any performance oriented issues
between these two languages.Howver, it will be nice if
Microsoft come up with certain statistics on this issue,
so that there will be a tested proof.

Best Regards
Thanks a lot.

- Gary -
Rami Reddy said:
Since all the compiled code ( MSIL ) will be conevrted
by the same ZIT, and moreover it uses the same CLR
facilities, I dont see any performance oriented issues
between these two languages.Howver, it will be nice if
Microsoft come up with certain statistics on this issue,
so that there will be a tested proof.

Best Regards
Gary, there is no real difference betwen the two with one Caveat. They are
the same if you use Strong Typing. If you turn off Option Strict and opt
for late binding or ambiguous typing, there will be a huge difference. Just
b/c Option Strict is Off doesn't mean it will run slower if you code
correctly...but do yourself a favor, turn on Option Strict, leave it on,
never turn it off unless you are forced to at gunpoint. If you do that, you
won't notice any performance differences.


Gary, I would qualify a 'no' answer by saying, as long as
you don't make extensive use of the VB.NET runtime
libraries and don't use weak typing at all.

If you remove the Vb.NET runtime libraries and just use
core and the framework for everything you do, there
should be very little, if any, difference in performance.

I'm with you brother. Death to Weak Typing!
Richard A. Lowe said:
Gary, I would qualify a 'no' answer by saying, as long as
you don't make extensive use of the VB.NET runtime
libraries and don't use weak typing at all.

If you remove the Vb.NET runtime libraries and just use
core and the framework for everything you do, there
should be very little, if any, difference in performance.

I mostly agree with whats said above.

But guys, isn't the c# compiler slightly better at
optimizing the code?
At least thats what I've read.

Harsh Thakur
Harsh Thakur said:
I mostly agree with whats said above.

But guys, isn't the c# compiler slightly better at
optimizing the code?

Not that I've heard of. The VB.NET compiler generates a little bit more
code in exception handlers to get ONERROR behaviour (IIRC), and if you
use the VB built-in functions you may incur some cost there, but most
of the real optimisation is done by the JIT, which is the same in both
At least thats what I've read.

Where, out of interest?