Mark Hobley
What is performance acceleration technology?
Is it built into the processor, or is it a component of the motherboard?
Are earlier Pentium processors able to take advantage of this, or is a
Pentium IV or higher required? For example, can a Pentium II, or Pentium III
utilize performance acceleration technology?
What about x86 processors not made by Intel (such as a Cyrix or AMD processor)?
Can these utilize performance acceleration technology?
Is there anything that has to be done from a coding point of view
(either from a kernel point of view, or within an application) in order
to activate or operate performance acceleration technology?
Is it built into the processor, or is it a component of the motherboard?
Are earlier Pentium processors able to take advantage of this, or is a
Pentium IV or higher required? For example, can a Pentium II, or Pentium III
utilize performance acceleration technology?
What about x86 processors not made by Intel (such as a Cyrix or AMD processor)?
Can these utilize performance acceleration technology?
Is there anything that has to be done from a coding point of view
(either from a kernel point of view, or within an application) in order
to activate or operate performance acceleration technology?