Percentage within a range



Within a row I have a static dollar range (two cells showing the min and max
of the range) and a third cell showing a dollar amounts that fall within that
range. What I would like to see is what percentage the individual amount
(cell 3) fall within the range (cell 1 and cell 2). For example - range is
26000 - 44000, and the single amount is 36000. Where does the 36000 fall
percentage wise within that range? (not how much over the minimum, but
where it lies in the range). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


What percentage do you want to calculate? The percentage of the minimum?
The percentage of the maximum?

If the minimum is 100, your value is 150, and the maximum is 200, then 150
is 150% of the minimum and 75% of the maximum.



Neither really --- this is salary data, and what we would like to see is
where an individual falls within the salary range -- maybe it is more of a
percentile than percentage. In this example the spread in the range is
18000, we can see that the person falls in the range, but want to know what
that specific point is -- make sense?

Sandy Mann

With the minimum in F4, the Max in F5 and the single amount in G5 then does:


give what you want ie 55.56%


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