PepperWhite Mapping Software

Apr 19, 2018
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I am looking for the PepperWhite mapping .VBX I purchased it sometime in the 1990s. I wrote a great map using it. I lost it in a house fire along with a friends Mother. I need this vbx so I can read the data from the CD and draw my maps. I am using visual basic 6.0, I know it is a 16 bit program but I am working on fixing all that.
Someone please help me. I am now retired, 74 and want to redo my program. I have NO intentions of making a program to Sell. I may give it to the Fire Departments, or Emergency Management centers in the Parish I live in. It is a Gas Dispersion Model that I used at the Chlorine Plant I worked in as Safety Manager. My company gave me the rights to the program.

We eventually purchased a system from Dupont Safer.
I am looking for the PepperWhite mapping .VBX I purchased it sometime in the 1990s. I wrote a great map using it. I lost it in a house fire along with a friends Mother. I need this vbx so I can read the data from the CD and draw my maps. I am using visual basic 6.0, I know it is a 16 bit program but I am working on fixing all that.
Someone please help me. I am now retired, 74 and want to redo my program. I have NO intentions of making a program to Sell. I may give it to the Fire Departments, or Emergency Management centers in the Parish I live in. It is a Gas Dispersion Model that I used at the Chlorine Plant I worked in as Safety Manager. My company gave me the rights to the program.

We eventually purchased a system from Dupont Safer.
It seems you may have found the Pepperwhite control. Because of our need for maps over the years, we have found a way to generate current Pepperwhite map files from public sources like OpenStreetMaps. It this would be of help, please contact me.
It seems you may have found the Pepperwhite control. Because of our need for maps over the years, we have found a way to generate current Pepperwhite map files from public sources like OpenStreetMaps. It this would be of help, please contact me.

I am interested in this. we have a need for updating our Pepperwhite maps to a current opensource version.
if you can send any pertinent info I would love it.
It seems you may have found the Pepperwhite control. Because of our need for maps over the years, we have found a way to generate current Pepperwhite map files from public sources like OpenStreetMaps. It this would be of help, please contact me.
Pajl and/or FernandoV, I would be interested in contacting you about Pajl's option. New to this forum, and really only joined to reply to this thread to learn more. Not sure how to contact you. - Todd