What does the Peak Commit Charge show in the Task Manager
when you have been doing both those things that use lots of memory ?
On my game box, Far Cry shows 800 meg, but
needs 2 gigs to run smoothly without respawning.
Gothic 3 shows 1.3 gigs peak, but does not run
smoothly until the system has 4 gigs of ram.
I think this has more to do with stack boundaries.
Stacks want to start on a specific zero address,
and build from there. It would not surprise me to
find out that game stacks jump over into the 3 gigs
area ... I have to install 4 gigs because my system
requires pairs of ram sticks even though the last
stick may not be used. Also, it might be true that
the area of ram that is reserved for OS and video
addressing, might also be used for OS stacks
of some kind ????? In dedicated processor
boards I have worked with in industry, part of
ram ( above ram top ) is totally dedicated as
a place to store system config data, so that on
boot up, that area is read to calibrate controller
variables. So the thing will report that it only
has 32K ram, while a few more K exist above
ram top for calibration use. I'm pretty sure PCs
have and use that same concept ... which might
mean, the PC sees max ram on bootup, and
then sets a ram top where game stacks begin
.... up to 4 gigs. ????? Maybe there's an EE
gamer out there who really knows more about