RicercatoreSbadato said:
I have a PentiumIII with 256 MB RAM.
I would like to change the HD.
I remember that some mother board doesn't
support some HDs. Which are the rules?
There arent any tidy rules, some motherboards of that vintage
have a problem with drives over 32G but that was mostly fixed
by then and if the current drive is over that and it isnt jumpered
to limit the size to 32G, that obviously isnt a problem.
The next major problem is with drives over 128G but there arent
any simple checks for whether that will be a problem in your case.
Can I buy a 200GB HD or the motherBoard won't read it?
It will read it if the motherboard doesnt have the problem at 32G,
but it may corrupt the data when the area over 128G is written to.
You basically have to go thru the list of things that control that.
The main problem is the OS, there is no official support for drives
over 128G with 98/SE/ME, but there are various ways around that.
If you are running 2K or XP, you have to ensure that you have
service packs that support drives over 128G applied and for
maximum convenience the motherboard bios needs to support
them too. With the better motherboards you can see on the
motherboard manufacturer's web site if the bios supports drives
over 128G or not.
There is at least ute around that can tell you if your system
does support drives over 128G quite a bit of the time, but
the main problem with it is that it needs a drive over 128G
in the system to check which is a problem if you are
considering buying one and dont have it yet.
The short story is that its probably doable if you are running
2K or XP but gets more tricky with 98/SE/ME but can still be
possible with some configs.