pentium compaq desktop

  • Thread starter Thread starter foggie
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I need some advice (no I will not go play in traffic). I have on my table
an old pentium compaq desktop, model #2240. what my problem is I can't
install win 98SE (it had win95).
problem #1:I can't access the bios to see whats going on.
problem #2:The floppy drive isn't 'accessable i.e. it only shows the
original list from the floppy I !st used.
problem #3:It states that it can't find vmm32.vxd or that the file is
corrupt as our government.
problem #4:I cannot do a reinstall of win98SE because the damn thing
shuts down before it finishes the attempted reinstall.
I'm doing this for an old biker friend cuz he's more or less broke,
but I'm thinking the puter is possessed,it doesn't like me cuz I swore at
it, or is broke.
Am I missing something I need to know to make this puppy
hummmm,.........or do I just get the #5 sledge and talk to it that way.
foggie said:
I need some advice (no I will not go play in traffic). I have on my table
an old pentium compaq desktop, model #2240. what my problem is I can't
install win 98SE (it had win95).
problem #1:I can't access the bios to see whats going on.
problem #2:The floppy drive isn't 'accessable i.e. it only shows the
original list from the floppy I !st used.
problem #3:It states that it can't find vmm32.vxd or that the file is
corrupt as our government.
problem #4:I cannot do a reinstall of win98SE because the damn thing
shuts down before it finishes the attempted reinstall.
I'm doing this for an old biker friend cuz he's more or less broke,
but I'm thinking the puter is possessed,it doesn't like me cuz I swore at
it, or is broke.
Am I missing something I need to know to make this puppy
hummmm,.........or do I just get the #5 sledge and talk to it that way.

On bootup look for a blinking cursor on the upper right hand part of the
screen. If you see that press control S. iirc thats how you get into the
bios of some of those older compaqs.
When you see the flashing cursor, also try F10.

Dusty Steenbock said:
On bootup look for a blinking cursor on the upper right hand part of the
screen. If you see that press control S. iirc thats how you get into the
bios of some of those older compaqs.
can you get to a dos prompt by booting with a boot disk?

you mentioned problem #2 but I'm not clear on what that is.
If the drive is bad, replace the floppy drive and then see if
you can boot from a boot disk.

you could try clearing the cmos and see if that helps.
you could also try replacing the battery on the mobo,
when they are getting low, sometimes strange things
happen. Memory modules also cause strange behaviour.
Take them out and clean them with a pencil eraser, and
see if that helps.
