Pencil Sharpener anyone...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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There is a guy called Dalton Ghetti who creates miniature sculptures from - of all things - pencil leads! This guy must have endless patience... and maybe a lot of time on his hands... very clever though. Linky here.
Awesome. But what fasinates me even more is the boffins that have written the entire King James Bible on a single hair. :D
Brilliant talent and patience..Wonder how many he broke halfway through..:D
If it can be done, a human bean will do it :)

And sometimes do it when it can't be done....

I will resist the temptation to mutter 'why?' and instead admire the guy's talent.
floppybootstomp said:
I will resist the temptation to mutter 'why?' and instead admire the guy's talent.

Exactly my thoughts. Kudos to him though. :)
Patience spelled with a Capital "P"

I have more respect for this guy than those making life size sculptures!
Some of those are amazing - especially the ones where two bits are linked together.

This guy should perform micro-surgery ;)