I was wanting to know what difference I would see in a Petier<sp> and
a water cooled system?
Versus neither of them, both will cost more and have little
to no benefit unless you were grossly overclocking. Versus
neither, both will also increase noise at the expensive of
time and money to implement.
Are you doing extreme overclocking? If not, the answer is
use neither, they would only be detrimental. There are
other severe environments where a system might *need* exotic
cooling, but these situations being the exception rather
than the rule, one would think the situation would be
mentioned as a primary criteria in cooling type selection.
What temp drop do each give you over a standard HSF?
Depends on exactly what you get.
It's a bit like asking "rollerblades or skateboard" what
speed will a random kid be able to go if we dont' know where
he's using them.
"In general", a properly sized peltier and support cooling
(which may also include water cooling of the peltier hot
plate) can allow going below freezing, while water will
always keep the temp a little above the ambient temp of the
radiator (the room temp).
The lower temp possible with a peltier can be seen as good
or bad, since going below the frost point anywhere means
you need to insulate either the peltier-cooled parts or
everything around them to keep moisture from causing
problems. They also use a lot of power, or rather, waste it
unless you are trying for some experimental overclocking
contest entry which couldn't hope to run well long-term.
Cooling mad-overclocked parts is not as difficult as keeping
the motherboard power circuit cool as it was not designed to
dissipate that kind of heat long term. For the short-term
it might manage ok, so winning a contest is the best
application, or just a hobby you feel like doing for the
practice rather than a reasonable cooling solution on a
Anyone had any personal experience with this?
Also, I've built 6 systems in my life, so considering that, how hard
would it be to do either setup? peltier v water cooling?
Do you need either of these? What is your goal?
Most people would be better off with a high-end traditional
air-cooled heatsink, large/thick fan, and well designed
chassis cooling subsystem.
Given your experience level, if you "had" to do one or the
other the water cooling would be a better first project, but
if you have never tried high-end air cooled heatsinks, have
not used them and hit a heat limit when trying to
excessively overclock, the more important step is to get
this extreme overclocking experience first.