Peer to Peer Problems


Candace Sparks

At a client site, am having problems with two computers on the network.
Usernames and passwords are the same on both computers, firewall is
disabled, permissions are full control for the user on the shared folders.
I have mapped a drive, when I click on the drive it asks for a password for
the user on the host computer. I type in the password and all is well, as
soon as she logoffs or reboots the computer, the connection is lost. The
box for reconnecting at logon is checked. What am I missing?

Thank you for your help in advance!

Candace Sparks


Candace said:
At a client site, am having problems with two computers on the
network. Usernames and passwords are the same on both computers,
firewall is disabled, permissions are full control for the user on the
shared folders. I have mapped a drive, when I click on the drive it
asks for a password for
the user on the host computer. I type in the password and all is
well, as
soon as she logoffs or reboots the computer, the connection is lost.
box for reconnecting at logon is checked. What am I missing?

Domain or workgroup? XP Home or Pro?



Candace said:
Network is workgroup, computers are XP Pro

Make sure that all Simple Sharing settings match on all computers. Since
you mention permissions, I assume you have Simple Sharing disabled but
it never hurts to check.

It also never hurts to double-check that both user accounts/passwords
really are exactly the same.


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