POBCAC ("Problem Occurs Between Computer and Chair")
PIBKAC ("Problem Is Between Keyboard And Chair")
PEBCAC ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer")
PEBCAS ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Screen")
PEBCAT ("Problem Exists Between Chair and Terminal")
PEBMAC ("Problem Exists Between Monitor And Chair")
PEBCAK ("Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard")
PEBKAC ("Permanent Error Between Keyboard And Chair")
PEBUAC ("Problem Exists Between User and Computer")
EBKAC ("Error Between Keyboard And Chair")
BCAK (bee kack) ("Between Chair and Keyboard" error)
IEBKAC ("Interface Error Between Keyboard and Chair")
PEBKAM ("Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Monitor") which is where the user would appear on a system flow-chart if they were considered part of the machine as a processing component.
IUE ("Incompetent User Error")
IO ("Idiot Operator")
Code 18 ("Problem is 18 inches away from the keyboard")