PDF's in .net application

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blasting Cap
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Blasting Cap

A co-worker and I are developing an application where an internal user
will upload pdf files into a sql database, and the external part of the
application will be to force the external users to assent to reading
this pdf bulletin before they can proceed further into this particular

There are a number of applications that show how to view pdf files in
Windows applications:


In the above article it says:

"As for viewing the PDF in a .NET app, assuming this is a Windows forms
app, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Then, you can use
the Adobe Control for ActiveX that comes with it. In order to drag and
drop it on a Windows form, add it to the toolbox first."

However, finding something that will work in a Web form has been

I know that there ought to be a way to do this.

Can anyone help?

in a web app, adobe reader still needs to be installed on the client
mchine. then the return document has a pdf mime type. if you want to
display something along with the document you need to use frames/iframes
where one of the frames source is the pdf document.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)
When a PDF is downloaded to the client machine from the server, it can be
automatically opened by the user as long as they have Adobe Acrobat Reader